Zovirl Industries

Mark Ivey’s weblog


Occasionally a blosxom plugin needs a perl module that isn’t installed on the server, such as MIME::Types or File::Cat. For users who don’t have administrative access on their server, there has been no official place to install such modules. Additionally, users then needed to modify blosxom.cgi or the plugin to have it search the correct location.

This plugin attempts to help the situation by telling Perl to look for modules in $blosxom::plugin_dir/lib. This gives a standard place to install to (for example, File::Cat comes with one file, Cat.pm, which would go in $blosxom::plugin_dir/lib/File) and also means that users don’t have to modify anything to get perl to find the new module.

Note: uselib needs to be loaded before plugins requiring extra perl modules. You can do this by renaming it to something like 01uselib.

Download uselib 0.0.1

Update:Documentation is now available here.