Zovirl Industries

Mark Ivey’s weblog

Solarized Cheat Sheet

I’ve been enjoying Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized Color Scheme. However, when setting up various programs to use it, I’ve found I wanted to have the example pictures right next to the table of RGB/Hex values. This makes it easier to find a color in the picture then look up the values in the table. So, here are the images and the table, together:

base03 #002b360 43 54 1931002115-12-128/4 brblack 234#1c1c1c
base02 #0736427 54 66 19290 2620-12-120/4 black 235#262626
base01 #586e7588 11011719425 4645-07-0710/7brgreen 240#585858
base00 #657b8310112313119523 5150-07-0711/7bryellow 241#626262
base0 #83949613114815018613 5960-06-0312/6brblue 244#808080
base1 #93a1a11471611611809 6365-05-0214/4brcyan 245#8a8a8a
base2 #eee8d523823221344 11 9392-0010 7/7 white 254#e4e4e4
base3 #fdf6e325324622744 10 999700 10 15/7brwhite 230#ffffd7
yellow #b589001811370 45 100716010 65 3/3 yellow 136#af8700
orange #cb4b1620375 22 18 89 805050 55 9/3 brred 166#d75f00
red #dc322f22050 47 1 79 865065 45 1/1 red 160#d70000
magenta#d3368221154 13033174 835065 -055/5 magenta 125#af005f
violet #6c71c410811319623745 775015 -4513/5brmagenta61 #5f5faf
blue #268bd238 13921020582 8255-10-454/4 blue 33 #0087ff
cyan #2aa19842 16115217574 6360-35-056/6 cyan 37 #00afaf
green #8599001331530 68 1006060-2065 2/2 green 64 #5f8700